About that New Year’s Fitness Resolution…
The Holidays have come and gone. It’s a new year. Unless you use a little time to get more fit and flexible, how will you enjoy it? Luckily, moving with us at The American Cane System is a fun healthy way to keep that new year’s fitness resolution. We think the fun in fitness and the play in yoga play are essential to continue to use the programs, so we keep it enjoyable. Plus, all programs at The American Cane System are designed for students in a variety of mobility stages as well as for the over forty crowd.
But first, Breathe!
One of the most important exercises lessons we share is proper breathing. You would be amazed at how many people are not breathing correctly. Learning the right technique for breathing helps you get into a better mindset. It’s also a game changer. In four to six weeks, you’ll make strides on your new year’s fitness resolution, feeling better than you have for years. Your muscles need oxygen and with just a little effort on your part, you can train your lungs to deliver more of the oxygen you need. That alone is one of the reasons to gift yourself yoga play from The American Cane System.

How to Access Sessions
We offer yoga play and Cane Fu training via our virtual dojo. Wherever you are, you can access your choice of Yoga Play for beginners, Intermediate Yoga Play or Cane Fun sessions. You just need to have internet access to join a session on your laptop. Our Beginner Yoga Play classes will help with strengthening and toning. The Cane Fu or Cane Ja techniques show truly effective ways to defend yourself against attackers. Both with help you hit your new year’s fitness resolution goals. And through subscription, all of the classes will be available in your own home. Got questions? Msg the instructor about your concerns.
Safety Matters
These sessions, their movements, exercises and techniques were developed for those of us who are, uhm, over 30. Grandmaster Mark Shuey worked with a doctor to make sure he was keeping them as safe as possible. Even today, going through each exercise, we’re likely to hear about a lighter version if needed. In decades of session, the safety of participants always comes first. It’s one of the differences between The American Cane System and other overnight trends. The exercises and techniques often feel gentle on the body, you’ll know you worked out. It takes a few weeks, but you will feel the wellness difference.
Options for Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution
Want to try more than Yoga? We also have trained professional Cane Masters showing you exercises and the techniques of self-defense using only yourself and the cane. It is amazing that even today; people think the cane is a sign of vulnerability. Let them. The element of surprise will only make your self-defense more effective. The American Cane System offers those of us over forty who need a place where they can get a little help with fitness, and enjoy keeping their new year’s fitness resolutions.
Join thousands of other American Cane System followers trained in self-defense by calling Grand Cane Master Mark Shuey at (775) 772-9471. Grand Master Shuey can give you the hours and access information for the Virtual Dojo or information on his training videos.