My Secret Weapon – The American Cane System
Secret Weapon – The Amercian Cane System Written and Contributed by Jo Gardner, Student
They tell me I’m older now. Sometimes I feel it, but other days, I’m irritated that I have been categorized as a “senior”. Sure, I love the discounts at restaurants and banks. But I am frustrated by the patronizing way millennials brush me aside like I am inconsequential. I may be a senior, but I have a secret weapon – The American Cane System and Grand Cane Master Shuey. Grandmaster Shuey can train me to turn the “senior mobility device” known as a cane, into an incredible self-defense instrument.
The Cane Does Not Steal Independence; It Gives It.
In my family, the cane is a touchy subject. My family is fiercely independent. My dad reluctantly began using a cane at 92 years old. At 90, my mother is still fighting it. I have decided to use it much sooner. I have decided to train well, so my cane is also an instrument of self-defense.
I’m Not Old Enough to Need a Cane, Am I?
I don’t feel old enough to be targeted but then my ID was stolen and someone filed for unemployment benefits under my name. I still work, and I am not unemployed, and if someone is going to get funds for being me, it should be me. But I began to think about whether, as a senior, I am a target because I am not tech savvy? The answer I faced was disconcerting. Yes, simply by celebrating another year of life, I have become a target.
Fighting Back With a Secret Weapon – The American Cane System
I may be a target for hoodlums, but this boomer, as the current generation calls me, is going to fight back. I do not need a cane as a mobility aid. I need a cane and training to win back my confidence, my self-reliance, and my fitness. I turned to Grand Cane Master Mark Shuey for training and found my secret weapon – The American Cane System.
Grand Master Mark Shuey told me, in six weeks, I could feel like a new person if I follow the program. Daily training could shorten that to five weeks, less frequent training could lengthen it to eight weeks. Regardless, I want to feel like a healthier me, don’t you?
From the Beginning
We all have to start somewhere, and Grand Master Shuey begins with teaching the correct way to breathe. I didn’t know I was breathing wrong, but when I followed his training on this, I was amazed at how different it feels. My whole body feels like it is finally getting oxygen for the first time in years!
Getting Fit Improves Quality of Life
As I continue to subscribe to Grand Cane Master Shuey’s Virtual Dojo, I am building body strength, flexibility and confidence. I am not a fitness freak. I have a wide lazy streak. I just want to enjoy life. Yet every day I become more certain that my quality of life improves as I become more fit. Learning to fight back is the icing on the cake. Join me. Turn your cane from a mobility aid to a symbol of self-reliance, independence and fitness.
My Secret Weapon can be Your Secret Too!
I’ll share my secret weapon – The American Cane System with you. Learn self-defense from the creator of martial arts designed for Boomers. Join American Cane System followers trained in self-defense by calling Grandmaster Mark Shuey at (775) 772-9471. Just make sure you check with your doctor before you take on any new activity.