What is the Warrior Cane Project?
Grand Master Mark Shuey, owner of Cane Masters and The American Cane System, met owner of Valhalla Security Consulting, Grand Master Thomas Forman. Both were passionate about using the cane for self-defense. Both immediately bonded forming a lasting friendship around their desire to share self-defense training with the cane to disabled military veterans. The Warrior Cane Project was formed.

The Warrior Cane Project is a non-profit, 503C organization that exists to provide cane based self defense training to disabled US Veterans. Combining their talents, knowledge and expertise in martial arts, GM Mark Shuey and Thomas Forman created a customized self-defense system. This new system was created specifically for disabled veterans who may not have full use of their legs. In spite of the reduced leg movements, the resulting system is effective, efficient, and easily adapted to wounded veterans.
Mark and Tom began offering three hour cane workshops complete with a specially developed cane. This workshop and the cane are free of charge to all US military veterans. The only charge is for the host of the events to cover travel expenses and make sure there is a place for the trainer to stay during the event.
The response of the veterans as the cane ceased to be a crutch and became the warrior’s weapon was breathtaking. It was like watching the veterans grow with pride and with a confidence that had been left on the battlefield.
Later, around 2010, the Marine Corps asked Thomas Forman and Valhalla Security Consulting to begin teaching combat cane to the Wounded Warrior regiment. That is the regiment of the Marine Corps made up of wounded Marines. The special training sessions have been conducted at Marine Corps Bases, hospitals and naval hospitals. The Warrior Cane Project will continue to support Marine empowerment and rehabilitation.
Years later, Grand Master Mark Shuey is still passionate about the Warrior Cane Project. It is a unique program that trains our military veterans in such a way that:
- Helps with physical rehabilitation for those who are disabled
- Builds morale among disabled and able veterans
- Allows a Wounded Warrior to continue partial or full active duty service
- Empowers Veterans to remain warriors
Each Warrior Cane Project session offers training in threat awareness, blocks – either double or single handed, strikes using the cane shaft and strikes using the cane tip, locks and throws using the cane crook, techniques using the cane horn, combat cane self-defense vs. using other weapons and much more.
The Florida legion, when it hosted The Warrior Cane Project in 2018 had this to say about the event:
“Providing custom canes & training, improving physical therapy and morale for our wounded and veterans worldwide.”
Seeing the response in veterans nationwide, who have given so much for our country, and knowing we can help make that happen is why the project is so important to GM Mark Shuey. But he needs the involvement of many of you who have and who we hope will continue to give to the program. Your contributions cover the canes provided to the veterans participating in the program, the travel expenses and the venues used to host the events. As the lockdowns are lifted, as the vaccines pave the way for social interaction once again, please consider donating to the Warrior Cane Project.